The Fitch Files

debateDoes apologetics help or hurt our witness? According to David Fitch, not only does evidence-based apologetics hurt the church, it ultimately collapses in the face of postmodernism. Apologetics is disingenuous, presumptuous, depends on an agenda-driven science, undermines a person’s conversion, and makes Christians defensive. In this series of four posts, Rich Davis shows how (at every point) Fitch’s case is built on biblically and philosophically unsound arguments.

1.  Does Apologetics Rely on the Authority and Objectivity of Science? [ link ]

2.  Does Apologetics Undermine the Authority of Conversion? [ link ]

3.  Does Apologetics Make us Disingenuous and Presumptuous? [ link ]

4.  Does Apologetics Make us Defensive? [ link ]
